Click table to toggle details.
Processing Stage | Template | Semi-Empirical QM (QM0) | DFT QM (QM1) | DFT Hessian QM (QM2) | |
Calculation | None | Energy Minization | Energy Minization | Hessian | |
Level of Theory | None | Semi-Empirical / SCF | DFT (B3LYP/6-31G*) | DFT (B3LYP/6-31G*) | |
Default Size Limit (Atoms) | 2000 | 500 | 50 | 40 | |
Content of MD Topology | |||||
Charges Derived From | None | MOPAC | Merz-Singh-Kollman | Merz-Singh-Kollman | |
Geometry | User Provided | Optimized | Optimized | Optimized | |
Non-Bonded Interactions | Bonds | Rule Based: Parameters are asigned from existing parameters with a set of rules based on atom types and geometry. | Hessian Based: Force constant are calculated from the QM potential. New parameters are created when no suitable parameters exists. | ||
Angles | |||||
Dihedrals |
Current Processing State | Completed |
Total Processing Time | NA (hh:mm:ss) |
Molecule Type | amino acid |
Residue Name (RNME) | H1M |
Formula | None |
IUPAC InChI Key | None |
IUPAC InChI | None |
IUPAC Name | |
Common Name | |
Canonical SMILES (Daylight) | NULL |
Number of atoms | 23 |
Net Charge | 0 |
Forcefield | multiple |
Molecule ID | 17449 |
Visibility | Public |
Molecule Tags |
Force Field Version | 54A7 (IFP54A7.dat / 54A7.ifp) |
Upload Date | 2014-02-03 13:07:18 |
Literature Reference | Drazen Petrov, Christian Margreitter, Melanie Grandits, Chris Oostenbrink, Bojan Zagrovic; A Systematic Framework for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Post-Translational Modifications; PLOS Computational Biology, 2013, 9 (7), e1003154 |